


Equilibry is run by me, Grant Manson Mowat BSc Hons DARM CThA. I am an Advanced Sports and Remedial Massage Therapist



I qualified in Sports Massage in 2007 in Barcelona. Since then I have worked with a wide and varied client group, including professional tennis players in the prestigious Club Ciudad Diagonal, members of the Woman’s British Lacrosse Squad, selected British and Irish Mountain Runners as well as members of Carnethy Hill Running Club.

When not treating I love to be in the Great Outdoors. I can either be found gallivanting trail running, bike-packing, mountain biking or windsurfing.


I am fully qualified and experienced in the following treatment modalities:

Don’t worry too much about having to choose a particular treatment. Each and every session booked with me will be unique and tailored to whichever specific regions require attention. Indeed, often I will employ various techniques from all of the above.

In order to get a better picture as to what you can expect from a treatment session click here.

For more information about what issues I am able to treat click here, or just get in contact and I will be more than happy in guiding you towards the best course of treatment options.


Please click here for more information on my mobile and corporate services. 

If you would prefer to come for a clinic based appointment then I can also be found at Revitalize Clinic,  22 Grange Loan, Edinburgh, EH9 2NR.

Monday 1:00pm  – 7:30pm

Saturday 2:00pm – 9:00pm

Sunday 11:00am – 9:00pm

If you can’t find a time that fits in with your schedule then please don’t hesitate to get in touch and I will endeavour to find a way to make it work!


  • 30 minutes     £40
  • 60 minutes     £55
  • 90 minutes     £75
  • 120 minutes   £95

Bank Transfers and thanks to SumUp® All Major Credit Cards are accepted


In order to make an appointment or for any other queries regarding the therapies on offer please get in touch and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Grant Manson Mowat
    BSc Hons DARM CThA
  • e. gmmowat@gmail.com